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Are your self-tapes going out into the ether without any responses?

Unlock your true potential

Train with Intentional Acting

When you are Intentionally Acting

Your confidence soars & you book more work!

Intentional Acting transforms your auditions into job-winning performances with our self-tape calibration system, designed to turn frustrated actors into confident, booking-ready professionals through no-nonsense, boundary-pushing classes which

unlocks your true potential.

Stop Memorizing Your Lines

Internalize the story, learn your lines, and deliver them naturally.

Audition Confidently

Hit submit & know that your Self-Tape is Undeniable.

Get Booked

Learn a repeatable technique to tap into your flow consistently and quickly.

Hollywood is a crazy, tough business:

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Actor books the role

Adult Acting Classes

It’s not the lack of talent that keeps you from getting that dream role.

But what is it?

Transform your auditions into job-winning performances with our self-tape calibration system designed to turn frustrated actors into confident, booking-ready professionals through no-nonsense, boundary-pushing classes which

unlocks your true potential.

Private Coaching

You want your self-tape to show your unique personality, right?

Not sure what casting wants?

Afraid you’re going to miss something important?

If you’ve been coached, you should know your submission rocks!

How to get started:

2. Enroll in Class

Find out what’s holding you back.

3. Audition Confidently

Hit send knowing your self-tape is Undeniable!

Meet Your Coach, Loren

Learn from an Award-winning Acting Coach, Filmmaker and Actor

Loren E. Chadima

I get it.

I'm a working Director and a classically trained actor. But I had such debilitating nerves I threw up before an audition. It was so horrible that I just quit acting. Yep, that simple - gave up.

Since developing and teaching Intentional Acting, several students hired me to act in their films and I got cast in a national commercial. It was my own techniques that helped me memorize lines, reduce my nerves and get into character.

Now I walk off sets with producers and directors singing my praises. (In fact - I got a standing ovation after my commercial shoot!) And it’s not just me….

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Stop missing out on roles because you struggle to memorize your lines.

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